Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fwd: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

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From: USAID <usaidghnews@public.govdelivery.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 6:57 AM
Subject: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest
To: iammejtm@gmail.com

USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest


  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
In #Nigeria, LMG project emphasizes new approaches tied into country ownership & natl health priorities http://t.co/6qVXmrlxuM #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
Shared responsibility is imperative to est. sustainable, country-led & -owned responses to #HIV epidemic http://t.co/b0yMYZBKKb #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
USAID trains community members to form #breastfeeding&maternal, infant&young child #nutrition support groups http://t.co/8FatTNIBHY #WBW2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
"I think that's a tradition that's barbaric and should be eliminated" - President @BarackObama on #FGM at #YALI2014 http://t.co/kpSGSSyZTm
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
In the #DRC, Natl Onchocerciasis Cntrl Prgrm incr treatment from 29% to 94% of at-risk pop. over 10 yrs http://t.co/OafQsFYfrj #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
With @USAID support, the Epworth clinic program in #Zimbabwe has decr the # of babies born #HIV+ to 2% http://t.co/GukKiuAohm #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
.@USAID has ID'd 10 key "accelerator" behaviors to improve MCH. #Breastfeeding is one of them! http://t.co/8FatTNIBHY #WBW2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
Since 2009, #Ghana has provided approximately 94.5M #NTD treatments to almost 47M people. http://t.co/3e1qx8BCop #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
Suboptimum breastfeeding accounts for over 800,000 child deaths globally each year. http://t.co/8FatTNIBHY #WBW2014
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
.@USAID provides infant #HIV test kits and ARVs to many clinics throughout #Zimbabwe http://t.co/TMcIhmDYB2 #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
In Francophone West #Africa, the average number of children per woman is 5.5 http://t.co/9CUxjRr1Xq #USAfrica
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 04 Aug
">125M girls and women alive today have been cut in 29 African & Middle Eastern countries" - @WHO http://t.co/ShmmyCSxzd #YALI2014

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