Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fwd: QDM 4.1 Update Available

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From: ONC Health IT <>
Date: Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 7:01 AM
Subject: QDM 4.1 Update Available
To: Banner

                           QDM 4.1 Update Available

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), in conjunction with its federal partner the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), released the Quality Data Model (QDM) 4.1.

The QDM describes clinical concepts in a standardized format to enable electronic clinical quality measurement. The model is the backbone for representing criteria used in quality measures that are currently used by stakeholders involved in electronic quality measurement development and reporting.

The QDM 4.1 adds several new operators and attributes, listed below.

  • Union and Intersection operators
  • Fulfills general relationship operator
  • Ends Concurrent With Start and Starts Concurrent With End timing operators
  • Medication, Order attributes: signed datetime and active datetime
  • Care Goal attribute: target outcome

In addition to new operators and attributes, QDM 4.1 also includes several modifications to the previous version of the specification.

  • Starts Before Or During renamed to Starts Before End
  • Ends Before Or During renamed to Ends Before End
  • Patient Characteristic Expired attribute reason renamed to cause
  • Measurement Start Date and Measurement End Date removed in favor of Measurement Period
  • Ambiguous and/or undefined datatypes/attributes clarified or removed (see QDM-46)
  • QDM data elements restricted to only one attribute at a time
  • Guidance provided regarding the topic of cumulative medication duration

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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