Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fwd: Did you miss my message?

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From: Bernie Schaeffer <>
Date: Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 7:30 AM
Subject: Did you miss my message?

Schaeffer's Investment Research


I just noticed that you still haven't taken me up on my extended offer for you to try Options Under $5 for the next two weeks for FREE, so I wanted to check in and make sure you didn't miss my email.

Considering this proven service gives you the opportunity to leverage a small investment and turn it into a huge profit, I really believe this strategy could make a big difference to your portfolio.

Like it did for my subscribers with their 131% win on Trina Solar Limited, which cost just $98 per contract. If you would have bought 8 contracts for $784, you could have made $1,811. That's a pure profit of $1,027!

But time is running out for you to take advantage of this amazing offer and try Options Under $5 for the next two weeks for free. I need to have your name set up in my system by midnight tonight - our next hot trade could be released as early as tomorrow!

Schaeffer's Investment Research Don't miss out on this profit potential - join us by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to try Options Under $5 for the next two weeks for FREE!

You can read more about this special offer in my earlier email, which I've pasted below.

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
5151 Pfeiffer Road, Suite 250
Cincinnati, OH 45242
1-800-448-2080 International 1-513-589-3800

P.S. Join us by midnight tonight to see what Options Under $5 can do for your portfolio return. With this special offer you can try this proven service for the next two weeks for FREE!

Schaeffer's Investment Research This risk-free offer is only available until midnight tonight - click here to join us now!

How We Use a 3-Pronged Strategy to Achieve Home Run Profits with Reduced Risk...

And how you can get this strategy for FREE!


How much would you be willing to pay for a strategy that allowed you to target triple-digit gains with reduced risk? What if I told you that for the next two weeks, I'm going to give you access to a service that does just that...and the best part is that you can try it absolutely FREE!

I know, it sounds unbelievable. But I promise you, it's not!

Because for the next two weeks, you can target home run profits with this proven 3-pronged strategy for FREE!

You see, most option buyers focus on the "big names" in their trading - large capitalization names like Apple Inc. (AAPL), Bank of America (BAC) and General Motors (GM). These stocks tend to attract traders' attention because they are often in the news and their "household name" status is felt to provide some protection against surprises and "shock news."

But as option buyers, our goal must be to chalk up as many "home run" trades as possible (by achieving profits of 100% or more), because we know if we buy at-the-money options we will experience total losses half the time.

And the single biggest challenge of trading options on these jumbo-sized companies would seem obvious enough (though it escapes many options traders).

The very fact that these companies are already valued at $50 or $100 billion or more and that every analyst (and most investors) know everything that can be known about their businesses boils down to one very sobering fact for option buyers: these stocks are not going to move very far or very fast the vast majority of the time.

And if you are trading options on stocks that don't move very far in the typical time frame for your trades, how are you going to achieve the "home run" trades you need in order to make money?

How do most options traders go about trying to achieve their "home run" trades on stocks that give them only "walks" and "singles?"

They take one of two paths (or, worst of all, both, because each is ill-advised):

1. They buy insufficient time. Many options traders have limited cash allocated to their activities, so the option premiums they are willing to "pay to play" are usually very modest. And we all "know" the "cheapest" options are those with the nearest expiration date. Unfortunately, the vast majority of option buyers do not have a tradable view on a stock over the much abbreviated time frame imposed on them by the amount of time they decide to buy.

2. They buy insufficient "delta." By this we mean the options they buy are too far "out-of-the-money." So with the underlying stock at $50, a "cheaper" July 55 call is purchased instead of an July 50. Yes, we all know how much money there is to be made if the stock rallies to $60 before expiration, but what if $55 is at far as it goes? In that case, the buyer of the 50-strike calls achieves a pretty decent profit, while those who bought "bargain priced" 55-strike calls have chalked up a total loss. Does this sound familiar? "The stock rallied but my call ran out of time" or "I was right about the stock, but wrong about the option."

So buying options on the mega-cap names almost forces us to buy too little time or to venture too far out-of-the money in our option strikes in order to achieve the triple-digit profits we need - the very same profits that first attracted us to trading options.

And because we ramp up our options trading risk to accommodate the slow moving nature of the stocks we usually trade, most often our only "accomplishment" is to increase our chances for total losses.

So how can we hit those home runs and at the same time not unduly increase our risk. Or, better yet, how can we hit those home runs and reduce our risk?

Enter our Options Under $5 service.

It's the 3-pronged strategy at the foundation of our Options Under $5 service that allows you to achieve more than your share of big profit trades at modest levels of risk.


1. We let the stocks do the "heavy lifting" - We literally turn the typical, money losing approach used by most options traders on its head, by recommending options on stocks that can themselves rally by 25-50% or more over reasonable time frames.

Do you trade options on mega-banks like Citigroup? Then you'll understand that for Citigroup to rally by 50% in a period of months, the Dow Jones Industrials would need to soar to 20,000 over this same period (and while you're at it, you can imagine pigs flying).

But with stocks that can achieve such moves (stocks that typically trade at much lower prices and at much smaller market capitalizations than the blue chips), just imagine the home run profits that become possible as you leverage these big stock gains through buying options!

2. We buy extra time (options that expire 2-6 months out) - and extra time is always "on sale" in the options market - Did you know that for at-the-money options, you can buy double the amount of time till expiration at only 40% additional cost? Or triple the time for just 75% more premium?

This is actually no secret to options traders grounded in the mathematics of the option pricing models, and truth be told it doesn't impress them much. Because (they say), the options pricing model is volatility-based, and stock moves (being the random events they claim them to be) don't increase in potential magnitude directly in proportion to time.

Thank you, Professor, but we at Schaeffer's view things a little differently - namely, that if you can identify a stock that is in a persistent price trend, this stock will move by far more than any options pricing model can ever predict. So in those cases, the more time you buy (on sale, of course) the bigger your options profits.

3. We reduce your risk by giving our recommendations more time to work out and by recommending less risky, in-the-money options - yet despite all the profit-inducing, risk reducing measures we take, just about every option we recommend in our Options Under $5 service can be purchased at premiums of $5 or lower (less than $500 per contract).

What more can we say? When you're an Options Under $5 subscriber, trading our recommendations will never bust your options trading budget.

But instead of "paying the price" for keeping your options trading costs down, the options we recommend will have all the robust, "home run" profit potential you need to trade profitably, at reduced risk.

And it's all about our unique, 3-pronged strategy that allows the stock to do the heavy lifting for you, while you buy enough time and trade option strikes that never expose you to undue risk.

With this 3-pronged strategy, you can increase your profit potential exponentially.

And TODAY, I'm giving you the opportunity to try this proven strategy for FREE.

So that means you'll get TWO FULL WEEKS of potential triple-digit trade recommendations at no cost to you!

If you decide Options Under $5 is a good fit for you and decide to keep this service after your first two weeks, you'll secure the 62% discounted rate of just $495 for 12 full months. If you decide this isn't the right service for you, you can cancel at any time during your first two weeks and you won't be billed for any future payments, no questions asked.

But you need to act fast! Due to the exclusive nature of this offer, I need to hear from you by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, so don't hesitate!

Schaeffer's Investment Research Click here to start trading Options Under $5 now for FREE!

You can also call 1-800-448-2080 Ext. 1251 today until 5:30 p.m. ET for more information and one of our helpful product specialists, right here in Cincinnati, Ohio, can help you.

Get in by midnight before you miss your chance to really increase your profit potential for just the next two weeks for FREE with Options Under $5!

All the best,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer's Investment Research
5151 Pfeiffer Road, Suite 250
Cincinnati, OH 45242
1-800-448-2080 International 1-513-589-3800

P.S. Don't miss this opportunity to turn a small investment into triple digit returns. Try my Options Under $5 service now for free!

Schaeffer's Investment Research Click here to get two full weeks of Options Under $5 for FREE!

Schaeffer's Investment Research

If you have any questions about, Bernie Schaeffer or any of our products or services, send an e-mail message to or please call us at 1-800-448-2080.

Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing the amount invested in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable.

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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