Monday, August 4, 2014

Fwd: 5 ways to keep your bones strong

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From: National Institute on Aging <>
Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:25 AM
Subject: 5 ways to keep your bones strong

e-Update from the National Institute on Aging at N I H

Here are things you can try to prevent weakened bones and osteoporosis:

  1. Meet the daily requirements for calcium in your diet or through a supplement.
  2. Get enough vitamin D through sun exposure, a healthy diet, and/or a supplement. 
  3. Do weight-bearing exercises like walking, dancing, or strength-training.
  4. Talk with your doctor about avoiding medications that can weaken your bones.
  5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption.

Share information from Osteoporosis: The Bone Thief, an AgePage from the National Institute on Aging at NIH with anyone you know who might be at risk for osteoporosis. Order online or call our information center at 1-800-222-2225 to get copies. You can also link to the publication on your website or share it on social media with the following message:

Learn 5 ways to keep your bones strong in this brochure from #NIH.  #osteoporosis



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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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